Mommy is going back to work


*Warning Long Rant*

I have a 16 week old and I was lucky enough to stay at home with him for a long time but I soon go back to work. I chose the evening shift at my job because my fiancé usually works mornings so this means he can keep our little guy at home instead of me having to take him to the babysitters each night, but... my fiancé is throwing a fit about it. He was/is a very antisocial and anxious guy and a lot has been going on in his life and all at once, which I get but I feel like I am practically raising our son by myself. Plus I see it as wasting money taking my son to the babysitters when his dad is sitting at home playing x box. I am very upset because I know he is stressed but I really don’t think he realizes how stressed I am every day. Being a new and young mom is a full time job. Plus it’s not like he won’t have anyone to call if he has any problems, his parents live right down the street and the baby’s god mom lives right down the street also.. Am I over reacting when I get mad because he doesn’t want to watch his son for a couple hours a week? Like I would work 430-9PM, and our son goes to bed between 730-9 anyway... I just feel like a single parent sometimes, like I appreciate him bringing the money into the home but I wish I had more help from him with our son.