Pets and pregnancy

Random topic, but for those of you who have pets, before you got your bfp, did your pets give any clues you were expecting?

Ive always found these stories interesting, but here's what made me post this 😂 :

So about a week ago I was sitting outside my apartment and this stray kitten( it lives under an old store across the street) comes walking up, and sat at my feet. I've been trying to pet this kitten for a month 😂, and prior it was just not having it. But then, I reach down and it climbs up my leg, on to my lap and starts rubbing against my belly, which lasted until I went inside(so like 20 minutes). If I wasn't paying attention to it, it would climb up my shirt and touch it's nose to mine and start nudging my chin, and this happened a few times. I later noticed that it was also right around the end of ovulation week.

Not that I'm taking this as a sign, but it got me thinking about what others may have experienced.

××Sorry for the long read.××