Boyfriend and his best friend


I’ve had this issue for a while but here lately its become a bigger problem with me.

I work and go to school full time. So I rarely get to see my boyfriend. Every week i always have one day where I can’t stop and get myself food before work because I have to go straight from school to work. Today was that day and I texted my boyfriend and asked if there was anyway he could bring me food. He said I’m not gonna be able to tonight mom wants to hang out. Only for him to slip up and tell me he’s at his best friends house. So one he lied. Which pisses me off and two. In the last 3 weeks I’ve seen him twice and he’s seen Sean at least 10 times. So when he brings me food or something it means a lot to me even just seeing him for 5 minutes and i try to let him know that. But he never does this for me. He asks me every single Saturday to bring him lunch and if I don’t or can’t one Saturday he whines and gets upset with me. But still doesn’t understand why I get so upset.

My problem is that even when I’m off he never really makes time for me. He’s always with his friend. And doesn’t understand why I get so pissed. I’ve seen texts where I have asked him to hang out and then hours after I do he’s texted Sean to see if he’s doing anything before he makes solid plans for me. I don’t feel like I’m someone who wants to make time to see or like I’m important to him. I may sound whiny but he’s literally never around. I don’t ever see him.

I honestly have no idea what to do. I’ve told him it makes me sad and upset that he never tries to spend time with me the way I do him and he always says well I’ll start and nothing ever changes.

Update: I’m sick and asked him to bring me sinus medicine. He said he couldn’t because he was probably going to seans 🤷‍♀️