Angry at SO


I called my husband at work earlier to confirm that he was still coming home on time since I am losing my goddamn sanity with our toddler behaving the way he is and he said he was planning to stay. I’m usually fine with this because it’s extra money, but today I desperately need some time without my toddler screaming at and hitting me or I might hurt one of us. I explained the situation and asked him not to stay and he said okay. He was supposed to get off at 3; it’s a 25-30 minutes drive home depending on which route you take. Well, it is now 4pm and he won’t answer my calls or texts and I’m stuck with our toddler who will not stop screaming and keeps tearing things up. I’ve been begging for a break from him for days. DAYS. And my husband has made absolutely zero effort to get home on time. He’s sleeping on the fucking couch tonight and heaven help him if he tries to crawl into bed.