Gay is going after my bf?


I have dated my boyfriend for almost 3 yrs, and we are long distance right now. Except the distance, time difference is tough too.

Recently he knew a gay at bar, and the gay expressed his interested in my bf at the very beginning, and said my bf looks like his ex. but my bf said he made it very clear that he only wants to be friend with the guy, if the guy tried to do anything, then my bf wouldn’t hang out anymore. And the guy seems agreed.

But two days ago, my boyfriend went to his place for dinner and game, with the guy and his roommate. I was very upset, but my bf doesn’t understand it. I even asked if the girl did the same situation, would you do that? He said no, he would never want to do that. I said I don’t understand why this case is ok then. But he kept claiming it’s different.

At the very beginning we started to date, he fooled around with guys before and his ex. So basically he cheated before, but he has bipolar, and I think he was in manic stage that time. My bf said he would only have emotional connection with girls, not with guys. So he said in this case, i am controlling him, and he would not compromise that. On top of that, he doesn’t not want to do anything with anybody, so I don’t trust him enough.

How should I make him understand that my worry is reasonable? And he is the one need to think about that.
