Inducing for VBAC confusion 🤷🏻‍♀️

Jennifer • Married 10/4/14 SAHM with 2 girls❤️

I’m trying for a VBAC this pregnancy. I had a csection 2.5 yrs ago due to our daughter being breech. This time my doctor says baby is head down and my scar looks great. She says my cervix is softening which is a good start. I’m 36w3d. She says that she can induce with a low dose of pitocin and that while it will help me dilate it will not help my cervix thin. My cervix will have to thin itself for induction to work. I didn’t think to ask her how much it has to thin. Do I have to be 100% effaced to get induced? Do I have to be dilated a little too? What are the guidelines? This is all new to me because I had a csection before.