
So me and my significant other are currently trying to conceive. Today is the 26th but the week of the 8th was my ovulation and we tried almost everyday before, after, and during my ovulation. This is the first time we have actually tried without “pulling out” lol because we are actually wanting to try. I have also been taking prenatals for about a month as well. Three days ago my lower back started hurting more so on my right side yesterday my back hurt all day today not so much. I have had faint cramping but nothing too crazy and not quite period cramps. I went pee and wiped about 30 minutes ago and had realized there was light pink droplets but no blood. Instantly I assumed my period is going to start because it’s due either tomorrow or the next day but I’m possibly hoping it could be implantation spotting. Please let me know what you think! We’ve been praying for me to be pregnant and could really use some baby dust sent my way. If I’m not pregnant what are some ways that have helped you conceive!? Thank you! 💕