A note about EBF

Kathy • 30 - FTM - Vaeda Miribelle born 10/24/18

This is me swallowing my pride. This is me finally accepting that I am not super woman and I cannot produce enough colostrum breast feeding AND pumping to get my baby out from under those damn UV lights for jaundice. Being a FTM and OBVIOUSLY first time breast feeding, my nipples look like hamburger.....and I am so tired I could sleep for 7 days.

I felt compelled to reach out to anyone that needs to hear this or going through the same.


If you have to supplement. Do it. If it has to be formula. Do it. If it has to be with a feeding syringe. DO IT.

You can work on a routine when you get home.

Yes, I know pumping is not recommended until 4 weeks, but I was bent on giving my girl every drop of me and only me. I am producing quite a bit of colostrum, but was having to feed every 2 hours and supplement an extra 15mL with each feeding to help with the jaundice. After 24 hours of that, my game plan changed. It took me only an hour to produce that in the above picture because I’ve been working overtime.