My husband let me for another women


My husband and I were together for 8 years and married for four months. We have a daughter who is gonna be a year old next month and I am pregnant with our second child. Everything seemed fine, my husband begged and begged for another baby. Right before I found out I was pregnant I found out he had been talking to a women from work. He acted like it was nothing and I believed him and soon found out I was pregnant. Not even two weeks later he left me. He swore to me it was just because he wasn’t happy and for no one else. He has still be active in our daughters life. Very active. But I found out the other day after him telling me they were just friends they are been seeing each other and living together. He is still lying about it but I know for a fact it’s true. He has brought her around his family and everything. When he keeps our daughter she is there too. How will I ever get over this pain? My heart is hurting so bad and he is so okay with another women. He won’t talk to me at all and when he does he is so rude and mean to me. When he keeps our daughter I am so lost and cry and cry. I feel like I’m losing my mind. Has anyone ever went through this before