Noisy F*cking Neighbors

I’ve lived in my apartment for over a year now. I’ve had neighbors come and go, and never really had any issues with them.

WELL, a month ago, a couple move in next to us with their 2 year old son.

They are the loudest fucking people I have ever lived next to. They sleep all day, then at night they are slamming doors, outside yelling, their kid is screaming his head off and running around (usually between 10pm and 2am). It lasts all night like that. I can’t even count the number of times they have woke up me, my husband, or my 10 month old.

I mean they have slammed the door so hard that it has knocked a picture off my wall.

I have asked them (politely) if they could keep it down and they say sure and nothing changes. I ended putting a complaint in with the manager, who said something to them, and they were quiet for about a week and went right back to being loud. Even the neighbors that live on the other side of them have complained about them being loud.

And now they have taken to leaving bags of trash right out back (EVEN THOUGH THE DUMPSTER IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR APARTMENT) and we have raccoons that come and scatter the trash everywhere. And they let their dog shit right in front of our door and don’t bother picking it up. I have stepped in it god knows how many times and I have repeatedly had to pick up piles of their dogs shit out of our yard.

I always hate being that person and I feel like I am bitchy for complaining, but no one in my family is getting any sleep because of these people. I feel like it should be common fucking sense to not have your two year old outside screaming his head off at 2 in the morning.

I am just so fucking done with these people.

Just a quick addition: the cops have been called on them, but the cops in my neighborhood are shitty so they just said something to my neighbors but nothing changed.

I will keep reporting them if I have to. I might even try to record how loud they are one night so my apartment manager doesn’t think I’m being dramatic with how loud they are lol