Dry heaving/retching


I just started experiencing this a few nights ago. I’m currently 9w2d pregnant with my first child. In the beginning I puked once and I was perfectly fine for a few more weeks. The past couple of nights it’s just been at night where I feel super nauseous.. I’m in bed 24/7 all day everyday, I try to eat but nothing stays down. 3 nights in a row I’ve been puking/dry heaving up white liquid. I know there’s nothing in stomach left to puke up, but somehow I still do. Its only happens at night, but this morning I was dry heaving again! Finally I asked my SO if we could buy some sea bands. I read a lot of great reviews & thought they’d work. They’re suppose to help with nausea, but I’m not feeling any different. I can’t get out of bed, they’re causing me to have a headache. I’m so tired of feeling like crap. ANY ADVICE ON WHAT TO DO?