Everyone but me!

Need to vent!

It just threw me off today to find out another one of my younger cousins are expecting I’m so excited for them but can’t help to think like really you too!!! I’m older I should be growing a family first! Ya know?!

I know it’s all in God’s hands and we just have to take it day by day I’ll continue to enjoy life with my husband to the fullest but we still can’t wait for our BFP already!!

Oh and we’ve been together 11 years 2yrs married so we constantly get asked when are you two having a baby? What are you waiting for? I hate the question every damn time I just shrug my shoulders and say i don’t know then try to change the subject... like little do you know!! So far 1 yr TTC in our 20s.

Ok I’m done....Baby dust everyone!!✨✨