Bf and family problem..


Okay so the beginning of this month sometime my bf and I had to start making some plans and arrangements for our house.

Well the first person we offered to move in with us temporarily until we both could get on our feet was my parents. Then my bfs brother and his girlfriend needed a place to stay if he got a job in our city so he originally said yes and all was well I could’ve dealt with that.

Then shit went sour...

His mother ended up going to the hospital for something probably her blood pressure and found out she has an aneurysm. I’m very sorry to hear that she does but anyway a day or two after she found out she decided to text my bf and be like oh we need a place to go til we can get a place.. 🙄 well Ricky said yes without even saying anything to me I didn’t know anything til he was like we need to talk about some things our house is gonna be packed I’m like wtf does that mean and he’s like mom Kimberly and James are coming to stay I about blow a gasket....

well he promised me she’d be gone by the first of nov. she has been here trying to run our house. Let her daughter and her cousin come in and eat EVERYTHING they want and if Ricky or I tell them no that they can’t have something they get mad and we’re selfish. I might be a tad but mostly I’m not and the only thing I really want to myself is things that will take me a long time to eat (ice cream, mac n cheese, milk) just the dairy products pretty much. I cant have slot of it so when I do get it I expect to have it. Doesn’t matter who it is in my house if it’s not yours you have no right eating or drinking it. This comes from his mother coming back from her moms right as Ricky and I were eating cheese sticks. She asked if we had finished hem all and I under my breath said no and Ricky said you ask her they’re hers and I said nah don’t u put that shit on me and she got mad saying idk why y’all do that it’s bullshit. I about went off there but I’m trying not to..

A few days before that Ricky n I got into a fight and he said that all I was was a housemaid til I got a job basically bc I told him that even though you work it doesn’t mean you have no responsibilities when you return home.

It upset me so I vented to my mom which ended up telling my dad (yes I should’ve known she would but I didn’t think about it) anyway it ended up spiraling out to Ricky’s mom from my dad who told her that I was NOT a house maid and they fought back n forth til one blocked the other.. but not before she ended up calling me a bitch saying they could come get me bc there’s nothing pleasant about me and that I just now that day got up off my ass and did something that I didn’t done anything since I had been here .. first off she hasn’t been here the whole month so she doesn’t know what I did. Yes I quit cleaning as much bc hell if she thinks it’s her house then she can damn sure clean up after every damn body like I had been. I do not feel like it is my house anymore and it really irritates me.. she cooks what she wants for dinner, she cooks constantly for Ricky I don’t even get to anymore. They eat all the groceries I buy for dinner for myself and or Ricky before I can do it. I wanted to get my daughter a puppy to grow up with. Well I did but the first wasn’t a puppy when it got to our house. We kept him anyway bc he’s a good dog. Tried to get one puppy but they blackmailed me into two since I couldn’t pick them up. So we were gonna rehome the other one but haven’t yet. So that’s three dogs.. none of which are in the house bc they won’t potty train rn and we set them up a warm shed to stay in when it’s cold until we get our house back n can take the time to train them. We went to Walmart one day and when we went to leave this dog walked up and both Ricky and his mother said oh that’s Rambo to which the dog did answer to it but he was already so skinny and old I didn’t see the point of us taking a dog who could be sick to expose him to ours and we already have trouble feeding three as is but his mother decided she’s bringing him back and that he was coming inside n the others could stay out. Well I threw an absolute fit bc it isn’t fair they brought a stray damn dog against my wishes to start with and now they wanna bring him inside while ours are outside he’ll no.

I said no and that was that. Ricky sided with me and he’s been on the porch since. It just irritates me.. now she’s supposed to be getting land and a trailer on it or some shit but Ricky doesn’t know when it’s all supposed to be done so she might be here some time in November.. honestly it has me ready to take my kid and move away from her which would throw my relationship in the trash... :(