I just want to complain


Okay so when I was in 7th grave about 8 years ago. I started noticing that my feet would get really cold and get discolored. Didn’t matter the time of year, whether I had socks on or not. Always cold. My primary doctor simply would not listen. Telling me to wear thicker socks. Finally 8 years later I go into my yearly physical and the first thing I do is take my socks off. I want her to see how bad they had gotten. By the time the doctor came in my feet looked purple and were cold to the touch. She finally agreed that something was wrong. Now I’m getting poked and prodded. Blood draws, ultrasounds, MRI, blood pressure cuff test. All coming back Negative or normal. I’m happy they’re taking it seriously now but I’d rather they find something than just keep taking blood. I’m sick of the test.