Boyfriends little brother passed away...

Madison • ✌🏼

So a few weeks ago my boyfriends little brother passed away. He got in a bad car accident and passed away 5 days later. He was 18 the same age as me. I wasn’t super close with him but I have hung out with him... I mean he is my boyfriends brother. This whole experience has been so traumatizing. I feel like I’m going crazy. I have no motivation to do anything... I just wanna stay at home, curl up in a ball and cry. And the thought of “what if that was my boyfriend” keeps playing through my head and I know I shouldn’t think that way... but it just scares me so much. His brother had a girlfriend and I honestly can’t imagine the pain she is in along with his parents! It’s been so hard to watch everyone fall apart... has anyone ever gone through something like this? Or something similar? And I’m not looking for sympathy or anything I just need someone to talk to bc I seriously feel like I’m going crazy.