Parents, please teach your children the importance of this.

Today on the news in Indy it was said the a 24 year old woman ignored the flashing lights of a school bus, the stop sign out and all, was speeding and hit four children. Killing the three and the fourth is in the hospital. Two twin boys age 6, and their older sister 9 were killed. The older sister tried to protect her brothers but tragically they all died. The woman didn’t try to stop, there were no marks showing she tried to break or swerve. She was released on a bond and went straight to work after like nothing happened! She had to be speeding from the pictures of her car, it looks as those she hit a wall, a pole or even a deer. She’s saying she mistook it for a tracker but I don’t buy it as a bus and a tracker look nothing alike, and it had it’s stop sign and flashing lights.

I am astonished at the people who are making excuses for her. This was NOT an accident. An accident is when 4 kids dart out in front of your vehicle and you cant stop before hitting them, not when you are speeding down a 2 lane road, completely disregard a flashing stop sign on the side of a stopped bus and murder 3 children and she is 24, she is well aware of the rules of the road. I have 2 children and couldn’t bare the thought of this happening, i really want justice for these babies. She deserves life in prison. How do you let someone that just killed 3 kids! Leave the scene of an accident? And go to work! Get arrested at 4pm and then later on she gets out of jail on a $15,000 bound! 😡


Please please please, if you haven’t already teach your children the importance of bus safety. Teach them the flashing lights and the stop sign out means that they are safe to cross but should still check several times to see if cars are not following the rules and if any are coming. I was taught this as soon as I was old enough to get on a bus. And then our bus driver told us every time either of us had to cross the street.

People need to have more patience. Even if you are in a hurry or if you hate waiting for buses or trains. Be patient! Anyone’s life could be in danger because you can’t wait. Nothing should be more important than a child’s life. Apparently she has children of her own, how would she feel if these were here?

And get off your damn phone and stop speeding!

We need to teach our children patience and the rules so they don’t end up like this lady who is fully responsible for the death of three, possibly four, children.

Hold your babies tight tonight, i know i am.

And to the parents, I’m so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine the pain you’re going through. I’m sorry to any parent that has to go through this.

Edit: here is the picture of her truck