I don’t know what I should do

Hi, I’m 15 years old aaand I think I have an eating disorder. It all started back in 2015 (7th grade). Back then I didn’t know what eating disorders were not that they existed (I was a really innocent 12 year old lol). I just started to not eat lunch all the time, and every time it was less the times I ate lunch. When I became 13 (8th grade) I started to never eat lunch or breakfast, which left me with only dinner, and sometimes that dinner was very small. Sometimes if I thought I ate too much, I would Purge but that was very rare because vomiting has always scared me. That year I learned what eating desorden were and I became obsessed. Why? I could “relate” I guess. So I started to investigate in the two most common ones, anorexia and bulimia. As I learned about them I came to know how dangerous it was and watched out for my friends and stuff but never for me. That was because I was convinced I didn’t have any of those (I didn’t and I don’t) because I never fit in in the “criterias” I needed for those two eating disorders. 9th grade came along and I was 14. At that age I started binging and then fasting and then binging and then fasting...all I a cycle. At this time I learned about EDNOS ( or OSFED) and that’s when it clicked. I did have an eating disorder, just one not quite heard of, even though it is very common. As I said now I’m 15 and I’m in 10 grade and I still restrict a lot for some time and go back to “normal” and then back to restricting. I don’t know what to do cause I think I have EDNOS but I’m not quite sure and I don’t know how to tell my parents either. My mom often asked me about my eating habits before every time she kind of noticed something but then my eating habit would change and I would deny everything, so it was ok. But now it’s serious because I want to stop and I want to be ok...I just don’t know if I DO have an ED and should ask for help or if it’s all in my mind. And if I do ask for help...how??

Thanks for helping. Every answer will be appreciated, have a nice day.☺️