TTC is cruel and inhumane torture

I miscarried in June. I bled in some form from May 19 (two days before our anniversary) until mid June. My cycle returned Aug 2. I got a BFP on a FRER on Friday, and a Clearblue Digital this past Saturday. Went to the doctor to confirm pregnancy yesterday, and I started bleeding in the afternoon. Hasn’t stopped since. Went for bloodwork anyways to confirm what I already know- I must have had a chemical pregnancy. Just waiting on that confirmation from my doctor.

We take our vitamins, we watch our caffeine, second guess whether we should take cold medicine because what if we’re pregnant, second guess that glass of wine because what if we’re pregnant, second guess everything we do because what if...

Then, if you do get pregnant, you can have it taken all away a few weeks later. And if the whole medical fact of it isn’t enough, you’ll be constantly reminded every day because you’re bleeding.

That’s the best anyone’s going to get out of me today.