Husband expects me to do everything for him.

Both my husband and I work he works for a cellphone company and I work for the school district he comes home and expects me to serve him food everything is ready he just needs to get a bowl I told him I'm tired and have a headache I want to relax but he tells me well "I'm a married man and I expect for you to serve me" I already clean the house, wash his laundry, make dinner every night I do everything for him but one night that I told him to serve himself he flips out while my mom is visiting,I'm so irritated..

Update: I told him that he can get up and serve himself especially after the way he talked to me hell no I wasn't going to get up and serve him. I told him if he didn't like it then to go get take out or starve his choice he decided to throw a fit and went to the bedroom and locked himself in there. Someone asked if he was like that before we got married and no he was not, I honestly blame his mom she always did everything for him and his brothers she treated them like babies so he doesn't know how to do anything which is frustrating at times I don't mind doing things for him but his been so disrespectful about it lately and he thinks his in the right and his go to is always "I'm the man and you have to do what I say" I've tried talking to him about how his been acting and he just gets angry tells me to stfu and he ignores me. Anyway I ate dinner alone and he eventually came out of "time out" and ate. He tried to apologize but honestly it's getting old already I'm so sick of it I mean his 29 years old but acts like his 12 plus he always wants to just play video games his Hella lazy idk what changed that he thinks that's ok. Well I kicked him out and told him to go to his moms house if he wants to be treated like a child.