Implantation bleeding? Or Period?


For the last couple of years I have had irregular periods. Sometimes I go months without one.

I had gone to the doctor when the irregular periods started and she has no concerns at the time.

I also have been through some very stressful times in the months I have missed my period.

Here is my question, I just had a period that started October 5th with very light spotting, but turned into a normal period around October 8th and ended in October 15th. I’m usually a 5 to 6 days on my period.

My husband and I have has sex many times after my period ended through today.

Now this morning I went to the bathroom and I wiped and it looked like I was on period day 2, kind of heavy. Now only 5 hours later, there is no blood and nothing on a tampon.

Any suggestions? Could that be implantation bleeding? I didn’t think so because of other things I’ve read that say it’s very light, pink or brown.