When to wash all of babies clothes ?


So I'm washing all of baby boys clothes before he gets here. Wondering when I should do that? I was thinking of starting it today but don't know if I should wait a little longer.. I'll be 35 weeks Wednesday

--and this is my first baby so I'm clueless 😂

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sucks being a momma doesn't come with a manual 😩😆 pretty sure you can do that now ☺️


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I would wash some, but not all. Don’t take all the tags off because you never know how much of one size will be worn!


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I was done long before 35 weeks so whenever you want


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I’m washing a few outfits but not all just because I don’t know how big my babe will be when he comes out and I want to be able to return items for sizes that fit, if needed.


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I am 39 weeks. I washed the few things I bought.. I have a box of hand me downs I haven’t washed yet but those are mostly 3-6 m clothes


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Even now, the only thing I washed was towels, blankets, bibs/burp cloths, bedding, newborn and 0-3 month clothes. 3-6months and up all still have tags In case he ends up fitting them out of season or something and I can trade them out.


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Just do it now. It won’t hurt to have it done.


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I did it after my baby shower! Washed all clothes, blankets, bedding etc! Nesting 😍


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I started at 34 weeks. Then as I picked up other things I just washed them with my clothes. I use the same detergent for babies clothes as I do the family, He rubs against us all day. This is my 3rd.