SPD early in pregnancy

Jameonna • ♡ 23 ♡ Mom of 3

With my first pregnancy I had SPD, but not this early. My OB believes the hormone relaxin is what made my first delivery a breeze. My sons head was visible after just one push & he was here in less than a minute and only 3 pushes total. I’m a bit worried this time around because I have SPD again but this time instead of getting it in my early 3rd trimester I started having symptoms in late first trimester. I am in pain when walking up the stairs, Turing over in bed, standing up from sitting down, and just doing my every day activities. I don’t have a bump to much yet. My belly is just a tiny bit bigger than before I was pregnant. ( I only looked to be about 5 months when I was full term with my first baby) My ligaments seem to be as relaxed if not more than they should when baby should come out. I’m so worried the pain is going to worsen as baby gets bigger and it’s already quite painful. Has anyone had this? I’d so what did you do to help with the symptoms?