Truly pregnant 😍

I figured I’d share my story and see if anyone had a similar situation.

I had a chemical in July, for 5 days I thought we were giving our son another brother or a sister. But unfortunately everything came to a halt when aunt flow showed up a day late and the 5 pregnancy tests I took that morning came up blank. As much as it hurt we started try again the next cycle. Then in September we found out we were pregnant again! I was 5w6d when I started to have a miscarriage. No reason as to why this was happening according to the hospital and my Ob. My labs had come back normal and the ultrasound didn’t show any problems. Having joy ripped from you twice in a short amount of time made me absolutely distraught and mad. I had blamed myself for so much during the week that I had miscarried, that when the miscarriage had passed, I realized I needed to change my mind and body. Also, let me say October would’ve been 13 months of ttc #2 for me.

So it was the middle of September that I decided to start taking care of myself. I stopped drinking coffee like a fiend, I went and had some teeth that were bothering me fixed, had a physical, and I started a healthier diet.

A normal cycle came and went, as suggested I wait one cycle before starting again by my OB, and we decided to try one more time.Then I woke up on Halloween feeling not myself, extremely tired, lightheaded, and nauseous AF! So I decided to test and see...

I got a Positive test 🙌 😭

Not just a positive, I have full blown dark lines early and I couldn’t be more in love and happier to see this!

I’m absolutely praying this is our rainbow baby 🌈

And anyone with a rainbow baby due in July, I pray this is yours as well 💕

(Todays is 13dpo)