Blah Dont know when to tell my in laws I'm pregnant and now step-sister-in-law is pregnant.


We were planning on telling my husbands dad next weekend. I will be only 6 weeks but it's his dad's surprise party. But his step-sister-in-law just announced she is pregnant and having a boy (Wow, she hid that a long time lol). But now I REALLY dont want to say anything until I'm 12 weeks. I'm so terrified of a miscarriage. And I didn't want to tell my husbands family because I am not close with them. Over the last year we just started getting better with them.... and if I had a miscarriage I dont want his step mom and step siblings being in my face about it rather trying to comfort or not. And now it would be even worse because shes pregnant to. This is my first baby and I'm just terrified:(

But I don't think my husband will want to wait to tell his dad because weve already been fighting about it because he needs someone to talk to. I wish he would rather tell his real mom. I'm super close with her :(

Ugh I'm so emotional and probably over reacting. Any advice?

By the way my whole family knows but that's because my HUSBAND told them. But either way I would of needed to talk to my mom considering it's my first pregnancy.