Is this early labor signs? 😩

Tianna • Mother to Caiden & Nalah

For the past 3 nights in a row, ive been waking up to really bad back pain. On 11/01- at 12:30am I had strong menstrual cramps on my left side and back pain. That lasted until about 2am. On 11/02 at 12:30ish I woke up with really bad back pain, to the point of not being able to lay down at all. This pain lasted until about 3am. Last night 11/03- My back pain started at 12am-5am. I could not lay down, take deep breathes without pain. This is my 2nd baby, my first pregnancy was a breeze and I did not go through anything like this. Currently 35 weeks pregnant today, I do notice each night the pain is progressively getting longer and worse. My daughter is moving a lot during the time I have the pains. I find it odd that it is happening around the time time each night, 3 days in a row. I did call L&D and was told that it doesn’t sound labor related, just back pain since im almost at the end of my pregnancy . I have an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday so i will definitely bring this up. Im due Dec 9th and I don’t think Ill last if this continues every night. Has anyone else been through something like this? What was your experience? Any helpful remedies? Ive tried, heat-pads, warm baths, extra strength Tylenol, getting on my knees and palms, belly rubs. Pleaseeeee anything you think that may help, share your suggestions😩🙏🏽 thank you in advance!