I just need to vent...

I just need to vent...

Here lately I’ve been feeling really depressed about TTC. Everytime I tell myself “don’t track your bbt, or your ovulation, have sex every other day it’ll help!” I end up doing it anyways. I track my bbt. I track my ovulation. I track my periods. And yet, here I am sitting on my bathroom floor and looking at very negative test and negative LH surge test while I’m scrolling through Facebook and reading as my friends I went to high school with either announce their having a baby or posting bout their pregnancies/babies. And it hurts. I’m so happy for them and to see them find happiness to their babies but it honestly hurts. Especially after their first time... while I’m sitting here, again on my bathroom floor, crying and just hurting. I want it to be my turn. I want to be the one to make a big announcement. I want to be the one who posts videos of surprising my husband and family. I want to be the one who brags about their symptoms. I want to be the one who brags about their bellies and about how cute my baby looks or what he/she done. I want to be next. I have prayed and prayed to God but I don’t think he’s answering any of my prayers. I’m not loosing hope, not just yet. I just want this so badly. And I can’t be the only one either...