Needing Advice



So DH have been trying to get pregnant for nearly 5 yrs. We were seeing our RE until last year when we couldnt get funding for <a href="">IVF</a>. We have Unexplained so we decided to hold off on <a href="">IVF</a> until this summer.

This year I've started having somewhat irregular periods. First big one was in January and the RE told me to come in for a test. It was a BFN.

Ive also started spotting before periods and even on month was only off one period for 2 weeks before it started again. Now I am 23 dpo and tested this morning and got another BFN. I'm 9 days late for AF.

Should I make an appointment with a gyno? I keep debating about doing it, but thinking maybe she can figure out what's going on. Has this happened to anyone else??