Can i be overreacting?

So I been seeing this guy for two months now. We said we were going to be just friends. We stay an hour and half away from one another. And during the entire two months we texted non stop morning to night. We spend three weekends together and all.

So I tell him that I'm starting to develop feelings for him and that I need to pull back a little because it's getting difficult to be his friend. He tells me "NO" let things happen. So I went along with it still texting morning to night and we was chilling one day and we are having a conversation and he tells me that mentally he's not ready for a relationship. I said okay but again I can't continue to be your friend and we talk everyday all day. Lets slow down our conversation and take a step back to slow things down. He has my absolute attention at this point. Now he thinks I'm being difficult! That I am trying to rush him into a relationship. Again I told him I'm not, I didn't say we can't be friends I just said I need to take a step back because my feelings are involved and I know there isn't going to be anything between us besides friendship. My question is "Am I'm being to dramatic? Am I'm overreacting?"