My mother irks me

My whole pregnancy my mom has been very *open* with her concerns that my boyfriend may not be our daughters father...

My ex and I were together for 3.5 years and did not use protection. I broke up with him last December but he continued to live at my house strictly as a roommate because it was convenient for his job at the time. Mid January I got very blackout drunk and woke up to him on top of me. I told him to get off and tried to push him off but ultimately "lost" as to when I got him off of me he had already came inside me... I punched him in his lip, chugged the rest of the bottle of whiskey we had and called his sister to come pick me up and I stayed with her for a few days.

Anyway, I kick my ex out for good and at the end of January started dating my current boyfriend (who had been my close friend for several month and new the struggles I was having with my ex. When we started dating (Jan 27) I was just ending my period. I had another period that started February 20 or 22 (not entirely positive on that but I know it was the 20, 21, or 22) march 15ish I got a vvvvfl. My first scan in early April confirmed a due date on November 27th and that baby was conceived in February.

At my anatomy scan baby was measuring 1 week ahead, no big deal-babies grow at different rates! But I just had a growth scan today at 36+6 weeks and babys body measured fine but her head measured 41 (her dad has a huge head) and she estimated 7lb 10oz. My dr says shes in the 80th percentile and thinks she will be here early but does not want to change her due date (I am getting an elective induction at 39 weeks so I was hoping to have her out sooner since she is so big and I am already 2cm dialated, 50% effaced, and dr said he could feel my bag today which is why he thinks I'll go into labor on my own before 39 weeks.

Anyway, my mom won't quit making comments like "hope she doesn't get much bigger, or your going to have questions that need answered" and "his family has been so good to you I just worry..." it pisses me off so bad!!! Are we getting a DNA test just to be positive? Yes. Is it any of of her or anyones business that were getting a DNA test? No. I have no reason to believe it is my exs baby and I dont think it would make a difference to my boyfriend anyways. I mean of course he would be disappointed but he loves our daughter so much and is so excited for her! And so is his family.

Thanks if you read it all, I needed to rant...