Relationship issues and pregnancy

Emily • First time single mum 💪 Connor 👶💙 Australian 🇦🇺

I posted a week ago on this page about my partner and I having issues and wanting some advice.

My post on the 30/10

I kicked him out nearly a month ago for being verbally aggressive, punching walls plus more. I was 36w pregnant at the time, a fortnight later things were starting to get better between us and quickly went sour again. Feels like we took two steps forward just to take five steps backwards.

I’m 40w pregnant now and he hasn’t even contacted me in 3-4days, hasn’t asked how I am or how the baby is travelling along. I’ve messaged him several times and got no replies back.

I feel like he isn’t making the effort to make things better between us, let alone communicate with me.

He hasn’t in any way helped to get ready for this baby, I did the whole room by myself at 37w pregnant, He hasn’t spent a cent on this baby.

Update today 6/11

I haven’t spoken to him in over a week. No messages or calls from him at all.

He changed he’s Facebook pic to a photo of us which I thought was very weird and very confusing just to find out he has been telling people that things are fine between us 🤨🤷‍♀️ far from it.

I had a appointment at the hospital as I’m 10days overdue today and am scheduled to have my waters broken tomorrow, I thought he should know so I messaged him to let him know, nearly 2 hours later and still no reply or anything from him. I don't know what else to do. I can't force him to be someone he's not or something he's not ready for but thought he’d want to know what was going on and would be semi excited... obviously not...