After break up


Hey everyone! So I was broken up with a couple of weeks ago and obviously it was very difficult for me especially because I already suffer from anxiety and depression but I'm feeling a lot better now. So basically my ex lives down the street from me so it's very difficult to ignore him and he has blocked me after I contacted him asking if there was another girl because it ended out of nowhere. He told me that he was already talking to someone else and that he signed up for tinder but he's a liar and so I don't know what to believe. I have figured out that he's a narcissist so I don't want to go back into the relationship, but he's in college and I'm a senior in high school. Basically a couple of days before he broke up with me, he told me that he would never break up with me and that he would never leave. Then like 3 days later he told me that he needed space to "find himself" and that he didn't want a "high school relationship" but it was never a problem before so I'm just curious as to what you guys think happened I'm just left in confusion.