“Morning” sickness...

Kymberly • 🌈 born 7/25/2019

Hey all. I am 6w5d today, and have had the WORST “morning” sickness since about 3w. Its not just in the morning either, I am literally nauseous 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I’ve been subsisting on bagels and cream cheese (it’s all I can keep down) and the odd extra meal here and there but anything else comes right back up. I’m on Doxylamine (Unisom) and take 8 per day, and also supplement with Gravol once a day as needed - which is what my doctor has told me to do. I feel like I’m doing something wrong because all I hear from friends and family is how they were able to work and live their lives and “puke and move on”. I’m miserable because I feel like I’m “home sick” and want to just lay around all day, but I’m so restless now after weeks of this. At the beginning I stuck to my schedule and spent most of my day cleaning and doing house chores, but now it’s too much movement for me and I end up being sick. Has anyone had a similar experience through their pregnancy, and can maybe offer some advice?? I just want to be able to eat food again, and do more than read and watch tv all day. I’m going stir crazy!