My Rainbow Baby! 🌈


I miscarried in April at 12 weeks & found out I was pregnant again in October.

I was scared because I didn’t want anything to happen to my rainbow.

I ended up going to the hospital at around 5 weeks due to lower back pain and questionable discharge. I was told I had a subchorionic hemorrhage & I was put on pelvic rest for 2 weeks. I was also told that I was measuring a week behind.

My first appointment was today at 8 weeks but I thought I was 7 weeks.

Welp!, here is my rainbow baby! From my last period I should be 8 weeks 3 days & my baby is measuring at exactly that!!!

I got to hear the heartbeat, 163 bpm.

I didn’t even get to see or hear my last baby so this was all overwhelming to me and so exciting.

I was told everything looks good & my due date is June 16, 2019! 😌

Next appointment is in 4 weeks.