New mom to a big baby! Exclusively pumping, but need help!!

Sandra • 🖤 Married 10/8/17 💜 Baby #1 born 10/1/18 🖤 Angel Baby 2/8/20 💜

My baby was born very big and couldn’t keep his sugar levels up. He needed to go to the NICU for 5 days and needed lots of high calorie formula to stabilize his sugar.

We had trouble with nipple confusion after all those bottles of formula in the NICU and I wasn’t making NEARLY enough for him.

Now, he’s 6 weeks old, 15+ lbs and eating a TON...I’m only getting about 15 oz per day! I’m pumping at least 6 times a day, 30-60 minutes, and I’m only getting about 2oz each time, with a bit more during the morning pump.

Any advice on how I can quickly double my production?

Update: I ordered the Spectra S2 and was pleasantly surprised with a 6oz. morning pump, beating my personal record! I was also trying to work on breastfeeding with him nursing between pumps, but he cracked a nipple the very same day I got the new pump! 😖😖😖 So I haven’t been pumping as often or as “hard” as I’d like🤦‍♀️. We’re not giving up, though!

Here’s my big little guy 😍