Our baby is due in early December and we have lots of family planning on traveling in to visit. Everyone has been told (per my doctors instructions) that they need to get the TDAP at least two weeks before coming to visit the baby. Well my MIL is allergic to the tetanus shot and cannot get the vaccine. I’m not really sure what to do about this. I made it clear to everyone traveling in that if they don’t get the shot they cannot be around the baby. BUT my MIL has a very valid medical reason for not getting it and I completely understand why she will not be getting the shot. At the same time though, I am concerned about putting my baby at risk by allowing her to hold and love all over him.

I don’t feel at all right denying her the opportunity to hold and be around her grand baby when she is driving 10 hours and planning on staying for a week (I’m also fairly positive that this would ruin our relationship). But I am so torn because what if I allow it and then baby ends up seriously sick? I would never forgive myself for that.