Baby Belle! Birth story 💛🌹

Amy • Mummy to a little princess 💛👑🌹 5/11/18

So here she is and here’s my induction story!

When I arrived at hospital it turned out that I had already been in slow labour for 4 days and 1cm dilated, I got a pessary and it ended up being enough to be ready to go down to the labour ward and have my waters broken!

Once my waters were broken it was game on!

I was started on a hormone drip and everything just became so much more intense, contractions barely minutes apart.

I ended up in active labour for 9 hours, by hour 8 I had an epidural which then had to turn into local anaesthetic so I was fully numb from my stomach down cause she ended up back to back! They weren’t sure whether they’d have to section me so had me numbed just incase😖

In the end they had to use suction and forced to get her all turned round and out (I luckily didn’t get torn too much)

But with that all being said, I’d to it all over again in a heartbreak for the same outcome, to all you mamas about to give birth soon im sending you all my love and letting you know it’ll all be 100% worth it in the end 💛

Baby Belle born 5/11/18💛🌹