I'm back after a loss at 19 weeks


I have been on a hiatus, after ttc for a long time and several rounds of clomid DH and I were over the moon excited when I finally got pregnant. My due date would have been Novemeber 27. Everything was going so well, and believe me I was worried. I am a type 2 diabetic, with high blood pressure both of which are well controlled with me meds. On June 27 just 3 days after finding out we were expecting a baby girl, and mere hours after having my prenatal appointment I had a rupture of membranes. Baby girl still had a heart beat and my conservative ob/gyn was fully on board with me and we decided on bed rest to try and make it to 25 weeks. Unfortunately a week later at 19 weeks I went into active labor. We made our way to the hospital in silent grief knowing that our baby wouldnt make it. After delivering my perfect angel baby on July 2 I was taken for an immediate D&C. After continuous bleeding I had an ultrasound which showed retained products. So in I went for another surgery to remove the remaining placenta on August 7. I continued to bleed and my ob/gyn gave me really horrible medical advice considering my diabetes and b/p. He had suggested that I start birth control and take two pills a day until the bleeding stopped. I was really upset that he didnt want to find the cause of my bleeding and spoke with my pcp about the recommendation. They advised that I absolutely should not do this that it would put me at high risk of a blood clot. So I switched obgyns and went to Magee (the best hospital ever) I am lucky to have an amazing doctor who went in with a camera and removed the rest of the remaining placenta that was causing the bleeding. Today DH and I went back in for a 3d ultrasound and a sonohystogram and got great news, finally everything is out! Uterus and ovaries look great.

It is a relief to know that finally 4 months later physically it's over. We are both healing mentally. They told me I have an incompetent cervix which lead to the rupture of membranes.

I am sticking with my new doctor as well as seeing maternal fetal medicine when I become pregnant again.

We have been told to wait until at least January to start trying again. It is difficult though. I am excited and terrified to try again. I feel like my anxiety is already through the roof and we haven't even started the process yet.

Any advise from moms with angel babies is greatly appreciated.