Pumping because baby won’t breastfeed


I have got to have some kind of support so my last option is to post on here while I pump for the millionth time.

I’m so incredibly overwhelmed. I had complications during delivery and my baby had shoulder dystocia and I had a 3rd degree tear that turned into a perirectal abscess requiring emergency surgery 6 days later. I was determined to breast feed exclusively but my baby was too tired in the hospital to latch and eat and had to end up supplementing. Then when we came home he wouldn’t latch and I was in so much pain I pumped and gave it to him in a bottle. Now I’m stuck in a rut where I have to pump every 2 hours and then feed him every 3 hours when he gets up and is hungry. I feel like I’m constantly pumping or late to pump or feeding him then pumping. I want so bad for him to be exclusively breast and me pump to make a stash but he won’t latch/ doesn’t want it/ or falls asleep on the breast. I’ve tried everything. I just want things to be a tad bit easier I feel like I’m making it harder on myself than it needs to be. Anyone else going through something similar?