Possible to not see a second baby?!


I live in a small town and every Friday there is this bus that comes from an out of town ob and does free ultrasounds for mama's that haven't picked a doctor yet. I did it at 10 weeks 3 days and there was only 1 baby. I'm 17 weeks and 3 days today me and my husband were playing with the Doppler and swore we heard a second much faster heart beat and it wasn't. Mine u could hear the difference as mine is very slow. I haven't had an ultrasound since I have my anatomy scan next thuslrsday I was wondering if it's possible to miss a second baby on a vaginal ultrasound at 10 weeks to Me it seems impossible like how could a second baby be missed but what we heard kinda shocked us not that baby would be unwelcome. No mean comments pls tia