Baby's here! Warning: kinda long

Erica • Bastian Caleb 01/26/2017 Callum James 10/26/18 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🐶🐶🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

Sorry y'all, this is gonna be long to get you the whole story. So I was scheduled to go in at 5 am on 10-26 to be induced with my 2nd baby boy. I had GD and my due date was the 29th. This baby, I tell ya, he has been a stinker my whole pregnancy! I had worse morning sickness, failed my sugar test early on so I had to follow the GD diet for pretty much the entire pregnancy, and boy was I sore in my hips with this kiddo! The worst thing was that Monday before my scheduled induction, he had turned to breech position, that scared the heck out of me since I'm terrified of surgery. But the Dr gave me some options and wanted me to come in the day before my induction for one last u/s. So I did spinning babies positions every day to get this stinker turned back around! The next appointment, he was head down, yay! Then my induction day, the nurses placed my IV catheter (with trouble, the nurse chose the hand that had less visible veins, more on that later), asked me the million and one questions they have for you, drew all of my labs, then they checked my cervix and I was 3-4 cm and about 75%. When the nurse checked me, she said, "um, I think I am feeling a nose in there" so I'm thinking, ok, well, at least he is head down, right? Nope! They did an ultrasound since he had been breech earlier that week, and his head was above my left hip... 😕 My Dr finally came in around 930 and told me, since he is so mobile in there, we should seriously consider scheduling a c-section. She offered a version as well, but warned me with the risk involved and how far along I was, there was no guarantee he would stay, and if they noticed he was head down mid-labor, it then becomes an emergency c-section. So I talked with my hubby, and after many tears and desperately trying to calm myself, we chose to go ahead with the scheduled c-section. They scheduled me for 2pm at first, but then there was another lady who needed an emergency c-section and she obviously took priority, and I was pushed to 245. Unfortunately my sugar plummeted from lack of sleep, stress, and not eating since 4am, so I had to have a 5% dextrose drip plus a bolus of 20 mls 50% dextrose. I had almost perfect sugars my entire pregnancy, and then the day I'm supposed to give birth, they drop out of nowhere... This is where I become concerned about my IV catheter since it hurt to have the bolus dextrose pushed. I mean my whole back of my hand and wrist was throbbing and aching, when I told the nurse, she made sure I wasn't swelling, and continued after giving me an ice pack, which helped, but not a whole lot. My sugars went up to a normal range and then I just had to sit and wait. This did nothing for my nerves, and I cried on and off the whole time. 230 comes and the nurses come to get me, I hugged and kissed my 21 month old son, and they wheeled me to the OR. As soon as I got into the OR, I started shaking, they went to flush my IV catheter and my hand blew up this time, so they placed another in my other hand with better veins. My Dr noticed how badly I was shaking and came to hold my hand while they placed the spinal tap, she talked me through it, and that opened the flood gates, lol. I am normally a shy, quiet person, I was so nervous that I started talking and could not shut up. I felt if I stopped talking I'd have a panic attack, so I just yammered on and on about anything and everything going on around me. The tap started taking effect and I calmed down a lot and stopped shaking, then my husband was finally allowed in and we were on our way to having a baby! At 330pm on October 26, 2018, our little Callum James was born! He was 8 lbs 6 oz and 21.5 in. of perfection! It took them a few minutes to get him breathing well enough to visit with me, but my husband was just ecstatic that he got to hold him first, since I had held our first son for a while before he was able to take him, lol! Now, I look back at this and think I was silly to be so scared, but it really was just fear of the unknown. My birth goal has always been baby and me first, nothing else matters, I just want us healthy and happy. A c-section is not the end of the world, but it totally is scary, dont be ashamed to feel terrified! Pics of my little family ❤

Just born

2 days old

First Halloween!

Big bro and little bro (weirdly enough, my oldest was born 1-26-17 at 325pm, and weighed 6 lbs 6 oz, so they are exactly 21 months and 5 min apart, and exactly 2 lbs different in weight, lol!)

Me and my babies