Please help me.


I'm exhausted at at my wits end here.

My 17 month old screams all the time. She is constantly throwing herself on the ground and screaming. Not just a cry. A literal scream. As loud as she can go. She does this multiple times a day. For absolutely no reason half the time. Half the time it's because I'm filling her sippy cup because she asked. She rolls around on the ground screaming until I finally fill it. If I try to fill it before she wants it, she still does the same thing. She's constantly crying and screaming. I feel like I'm fucking up somehow. I don't understand why she's so sad. I love her so much. I'm hugging her, giving her kisses, playing with her, talking with her, singing with her, playing outside, going on walks, art projects, etc.

She's just so sad. Then the other half of the day she's happy and laughing. An absolute joy. Then something she snaps in her and she starts screaming.

I've taken her to the pediatrician. Everything's okay. No ear infection. No illness. Nothing.

She refuses to take naps at least 5 days a week. Those 2 days she naps are so much better than the other days. I've done everything possible that I can think of to get her to nap. She used to nap like clockwork. Now she hates it.

I feel like I'm failing her. I don't know how to correct her behavior. If I can even call it that. When she acts out when I say no, I put her in the corner to stand while I explain why she shouldn't throw a fit. She just screams over me. I've put her in the corner without trying to explain her behavior to see if that would help. Nothing.

When she's crying, she looks at me as if she hates me. It's breaking my heart. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't know how to help her.

Please help me.