Sometimes it feels like I’m dying...


Sounds dramatic but in the moment the pain is happening it’s true. It feels like death.

This pain normally last anywhere from 1-3 hours. It’s a terrible pain that feels like someone is sitting on my chest, although it’s not really “on my chest!”

The pain is what I would describe as pressure, sharp pains and often times hard to breath. It occurs only after I have eaten and not every time I eat. It lies underneath my breastbone, that would be my best explanation. Dead center right underneath my breast bone.

Does anyone experience this? I am currently searching for a new primary doc as my insurance changed last year so while I’m doing that I’m trying to look up things and I always get good advice from the ladies of glow.

I should also add I have self diagnosed myself

With diverticulitis as anything with nuts and/or seeds and popcorn leaves me eventually bedridden and my mother and uncle on the same side have been diagnosed.

Does anyone else have the breastbone pain after eating?

Any help is always appreciated. Thank you!