Are we??


Ok so I’ve been having dreams about being pregnant and that I really wanted to buy a baby crib. I didn’t know what was going on. And so I had one test left so I took it expecting it to be negative. My husband and I have been ttc for 1 year now. And so I took this one and it was positive! But I got too excited and bought another one and waited to pee to take it again and it was negative. HELP!! Did I get a false positive?

Update***** sorry this took so long to update. First of all Happy New Years. Yes I was pregnant. No we did not end with a baby. Sadly I was estimated only 2 weeks along and I miscarried. Somehow the cells must not have been dividing equally and my body seen it as a threat. You are all so very lovely and I thank you so much for your uplifting comments. I pray that GOD heals all of our reproductive organs and leaves us fertile for this year! Thank you all for your kind words! Amen.