He almost broke up w me

Today my boyfriend and I got in a small argument which then lead to him texting me saying we needed to talk. Now we all know what that means, either “we need to break up” or “can we get back together” & obviously it was him wanting to break up. I met up w him to talk & he said he wasn’t happy, that he loved me & I did nothing wrong but that he wasn’t happy. Now here I am crying because I can’t imagine life w out this kid. I wasn’t ready to let go of the late night conversations, his kisses, his touch, anything for that matter, he’s my best friend. I demanded an actual reason to why he was making this decision, as I was crying he BEGAN TO CRY. I’ve never seen a man cry, so I started crying even more! We than simmered down and he told me to forget he even mentioned a break up, that he still wanted to be w him. It’s been 3 hours since that happened but I’m still crying & feel heartbroken, I love him, and I don’t understand why I’m feeling this way if he still decided to stay?