Cat and Christmas tree- already desperate

Nicole • 27 ❤️ Milwaukee born and raised 🐄🧀🍻

So my cat is a year and a half old. We put up the tree tonight and he will not stay out of it. I’m in bed and I just heard him in it again and I got up to spray him and I got there just in time to catch the tree as it fell over and him running frantically from it. He’s going to break all my glass ornaments, ruin my lights, or injure himself. None of which I want to happen. My boyfriend had to cut him out of the lights last year and he knocked the tree over but he was a baby then and that was right before we started dating. I know it’s stupid but the tree is really important to me and I’m about to just pack the whole thing up because I can’t trust the cat to leave it alone. If anyone has any advice on how to get him to stop as quickly as possible I’d love to get your input. He does run away from getting sprayed with water but it doesn’t stop him from going back. This is with everything not just the tree. He gets into all of our antiques as well and eats literally everything. He’s going to hurt himself or get sick. We’ve also tried and anxiety collar. Nothing works.