My bf verbally abuses me...

I’ve been with him for two years and we live together. I love him like crazy, but every time we argue he says I’m stupid, dumb, a stupid b****, f*** you, b****, stfu, that I’m crazy, and I drive him insane. When I tell him that it hurts when he calls me that stuff and to not call me it he says then get the f*** out of this relationship nothings stopping you... I know I dont deserve this and we’ve tried breaking things off before but then he won’t actually let me leave and hugs me and says he sorry and that he’ll try to do better. I dont know what to do because it hurts like hell and he scares me when he gets in my face and screams at me and says he wishes he could beat tf out of me... im just so lost and feeling hurt...

Edit- I have tried leaving him but he won’t let me leave our apartment and begs me not to go.

Edit #2- when he’s at work and we have an argument he tells me to quit f***ing texting him so I don’t reply and then he sends me like 5 messages asking why I’m ignoring him and that I better be typing a reply. It makes no sense I don’t get it.