Thank god for the epidural

Sadie • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Marley Mae born 11/11 22inches long weighing 9lb 14oz. My due date was 11/12! 11/9 I spent most of the day with back labor that fizzled out by the end of the day. Then on 11/10 I felt completely fine so I assumed that she wouldn’t be coming that day. Around 10pm I started feeling like I had to poop and my water broke on the toilet. I went straight to the hospital from there a little before 11pm we were checked in and I was a little over 4cm dilated. And then my contractions started and there was no break between them. Worst pain of my entire life, I tried getting in the jacuzzi and switching positions and nothing worked. I decided on pain meds and a epidural around 1am best decision of my life I felt so good. I was 7cm when they checked me around that time. And then I was checked at 2ish and I was 9cm! And then checked again at 3 and I was 10cm all I was feeling was pressure in my butt. Once I started pushing I only pushed for 26 minutes and my beautiful chunky baby was born! I tore a little bit but nothing too bad the doctors were surprised considering how big she was and how small I am! I am so glad I got the epidural and pain medication it made my labor go by so smoothly I don’t know how I would of been able to do it without those.