Little late but what ever


Ok so after a hard and emotionally damaging relationship and a misscarage and leaving my monster of an ex something good finally came of it. The last trimester was the toughest for me. Half my body would get so swollen I would burst blood vessels in my hands and feet. At 36weeks I learned that my baby was breach foot ling breach. So we booked an appointment to do a tech and induction at 37weeks then learned I had dangerously low water so went back to my on at my regular hospital then she booked me in for a c section for Friday the 24 of Aug but I'm y baby didn't want to wait. Midnight on Tuesday Aug 21 my water broke... Went to the bathroom it was nothing but blood to I started pannicing and crying so I called my mom. We live an hour out of the city and we made it to the hospital in 37 minutes then my contractions started but the didn't hurt it was only my back that was killing me. In that night (midnight to 5am 17babies born via c section) the l&d was loaded with mommas. At 6:30am on Wednesday Aug 22 I was given a cap and told to choose between my parents to I got made and told them to pick. At 7 my mom came into the surgical room witch is so cold. And at 7:20 my baby girl was born. I was scared and heart broken. Scared because my surgeons assistant thought I was getting a histerectomy so I screamed and tried to move my legs (total fail as I can't feel them)yelling I'm 18 don't take my uterus away from me. I was also cared because I was reacting to the epidural I thought I was suffocating and I felt hands pulling on my organs felt like my lungswere being pushed up my throat. heart broken because i was hoping and prepared for a boy I really felt I was having a boy and I got a girl. Took me a few weeks to get used to saying my daughter and my little girl and accepts she's not going to be my football all star. Struggled with ppd till I scared myself and got help. But omg now I love her Shes the best thing that's ever happened in my entire life. I don't know how to think of life without her

So here is my Ellianna-Brynleigh Lynne Desiree

Born at 5lbs 6oz 18.5 inches long at 38 weeks

She's still in nb diapers and clothes at 12 weeks old.