Birth Story Of My Up Syndrome Princess

Birth Story of my Up (Down)syndrome Princess 👸💕

My due date was November 9th 2018 and I started to lose my mucus plug at 37wks 4 days in peaces on a Tuesday on my appointment day. At 35wks even I wasn't dilated at all but a little soft my doctor had 36wks 4 days I was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced...then at 37wks 4 days I was 5cm and 80% effaced but contractions weren't "persistent" enough to go to labor and delivery...did I mention this is my 9th baby😉 and our rainbow after having to bury my daughter born sleeping July 2017 her due date was October 28th 2017 and she fell asleep and awoke in the Lords arms @24wks I was having some contractions on that following Thursday that almost made me wanna go to the hospital but I knew I'd be sent home so I waited took some Tylenol and rested and they eventually eased on Friday 38wks hubby and I decided to have 1 final date night (my oldest is 20 & 18 they watched siblings) so we went to eat and to watch the new Halloween movie..I started having contractions during the middle of the movie that were making me tear up some left when the movie ended at 11pm and headed to L&D...I was there until 2am and was 6cm but contractions stopped after given a shot in my butt for pain and was sent now its Saturday 38wks 1 day I get up and my 5yr old and I head into town for the day to spend some 1 on 1 time so we got our hair cuts my eye brows waxed got her some ice cream did some shopping and headed home for the home, ate a little bit then was gonna head to bed for a nap it was 7pm inwas just exhausted..I went to the restroom b4 climbing into bed and that's when I had alot of my bloody show when I wiped so I knew it was close and definitely time. I was home 45min b4 having my show and it's a 45min drive just back to town. We headed BACK to town lol BACK to L&D..I started having contractions within 30min of having my show and these were excruciating painful coming every 3-5min. I got there and was immediately checked and had more bloody show and was still at a good 6 but was told it was definitely baby time so I was admitted on October 27th at 8:30pm...Hard labor picked up pretty fast and I tapped out for epidural at a 7cm..unfortunately the epidural failed as always and was able to feel it all. The nurse had checked me again around 11:55pm and was still at a 6 so hubs decided to run down to the cafeteria for a bite to 12:10am I screamed I needed to push and was checked and fully dilated with her head showing. Hubby was paged and literally made in in the nick of time by the time everything was set up I was able to hold back until he made it up stairs and he walked in the door and I pushed 2 times and my Princess was born on her Big sister in Heaven Due date from last year October 28th 2018 weighing in at a whopping 8 lbs 15.8 oz (pretty much 9lbs) 19 1/, in length and so perfect!!! We are so in love with her and she completes our body is just worn out so we have decided the Lord has blessed us many times and it's time I retired lol. BTW yes there all ours and Yes there all by 1 man my husband of almost 21yrs. And no we dont live off the state😊. Our babies our blessings and my last 5 are tubal reversal babies so hubs will be fixed this time haha. So this is my story of my beautiful baby girl born with a special gift from God.






