I was sent to the hospital 11/9 due to high blood pressure and the fact that she was 4 days late

I was sent to the hospital 11/9 due to high blood pressure and the fact that she was 4 days late. They started me on a pill to help me dilate more since I was only 1cm. On 11/10 they started me on pitocin and by the time I was 2.5/3cm, they broke my water. 15 minutes in I needed the epidural. I ended up having to have the epidural redone 2 times after that. The first one slid out a little and caused me to have excruciating pain on my left side. It was redone, however I began to have pain on my left side again. The third time, they continued to give me medicine to stop the pain in my left side because unfortunately I continued to have pain. Later in the evening around 10/11 o'clock at night I began having complications. I developed a fever of 101.3 and had an infection. My baby girls heart rate was very high, being around 180 to 210. They gave me oxygen and said they would need to do a c section. My baby girl, Lorelai Marie was born at 1:23am on 11/11, weighing in at 8lbs 13oz. She is absolutely beautiful and barely a crier 😊 my kitten cries more than her haha. My baby girl is absolutely perfect ❤